Journal Wellness and Virtues 2022-07-29T14:55:40+00:00 CITRA HATI LEOMETA Open Journal Systems <p>Wellness and Virtues, Journal of Health Psychology and Mental Health</p> <p>Journal Wellness and Virtues, Journal of Health Psychology and mental health is a journal publishes research report and scientific papers in health psychology, health life style and health promotion by health Psychology and/or related sciences with the aim to advance science, knowledge, and theory of health psychology and mental health. This journal is published by Institut Kesehatan Indonesia (IKI) and managed by the Program Studi Psikologi IKI. Publish twice each years (July and January, first publish June 2022).</p> <p><img src="" /></p> K Kematangan emosi dengan konformitas perilaku merokok remaja 2022-07-26T23:06:23+00:00 Sufiyatuddin Phonna <p><em>This study aims to determine the relationship between emotional maturity and conformity of adolescent smoking behavior in Bukit Duri Village, Tebet District, South Jakarta. This study uses quantitative methods with research subjects as many as 110 teenagers in the Bukit Duri Village, Tebet District, South Jakarta.Sampling was done by snowball technique. While the data collection is done by using a questionnaire.The research instrument used in this study was a scale of emotional maturity and conformity of adolescent smoking behavior, each of which had been tested for validity and reliability.Analysis of the data used in this study is the pearson product moment correlation.The results showed that there was a relationship between emotional maturity and conformity of adolescent smoking behavior in Bukit Duri Village, Tebet District, South Jakarta with a significance value (p value) of 0.000 (p vaues &lt; 0.05) and a correlation coefficient value (r) of -0.336 which means the form of variable relationship is negative and has a weak relationship.</em></p> 2022-07-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Journal Wellness and Virtues B Body image dengan self-confidence pada siswa kelas xi dan xii 2022-07-29T14:51:29+00:00 Delia Lesmana Selly Fitria Sukaputri <p>Masa remaja dimulai sejak usia sekitar usia 10 atau 11 tahun sampai dengan usia 20tahunan awal. Pada masa remaja, individu akan cenderung lebih memperhatikan fisiknya disbandingkan dengan aspek lainnya, sedangkan pada masa remaja, individu banyak mengalami perubahan, terutama perubahan pada fisik atau <em>body image</em>. Perubahan yang terjadi pada masa remaja tidak selalu sesuai dengan keinginan remaja, sehingga, perubahan-perubahan tersebut seringkali menimbulkan perasaan tidak puas dan menimbulkan efek psikologis bagi remaja. Ketidakpuasan terhadap <em>body image </em>pun dapat menyebabkan rendahnya <em>self-confidence</em>. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat apakah terdapat hubungan antara <em>body image </em>dengan <em>self-confidence </em>pada siswa kelas XI dan XII SMK Bina Pangudi Luhur, yang berarti; populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas XI dan XII SMK Bina Pangudi Luhur dengan sampel adalah bagian dari siswa kelas XI dan XII SMK Bina Pangudi Luhur yang sudah peneliti &nbsp;tentukan berdasarkan karakteristiknya, dan pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik <em>nonprobability </em><em>sampling </em>dengan jenis <em>sampling kuota</em>. Penelitian ini pun dilakukan dengan menggunakan desain penelitian <em>cross sectional </em>dan dengan menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Teknik analasis data yang digunakan dalam penlitian ini adalah teknik <em>pearson correlation </em>atau korelasi <em>product moment</em>. Hasil dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang positif dan signifikan antara kedua variable dalam penelitian ini, yaitu <em>body image </em>dengan <em>self-confidence</em>, dimana, (<em>p value </em>= 0.000) &lt; 0.05 dan (<em>r </em>hitung = 0.586) &gt; (<em>r </em>tabel = 0.138). Hal ini pun yang dapat menujukkan bahwa hipotesis nol(Ho) dalam penelitian ini ditolak dan hipotesis alternative (Ha) dalam penelitian ini diterima.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2022-07-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Journal Wellness and Virtues S Social support with family caregiver resilience for cancer survivors 2022-07-26T23:20:07+00:00 Syahfira Roszah Citra Leometa Ruri Santoso <p>A family caregiver is someone who gives unpaid care to family members and close relatives who are ill or unable to care for themselves. Family caregivers (parents) of children with cancer face a variety of challenges. They must be able to endure these difficult circumstances. Resilience refers to a person’s capacity to preserve in the face of adversity, as have been encountered by family caregivers (parents) of cancer survivors. Social support is one of the elements that impact an individual’s level of resilience. The purpose of this study is to investigate the link between social support and resilience in cancer survivor’s family caregivers (parents). A cross-sectional design was utilized in this study, which included 39 parents of children whit cancer in Jakarta. Purposeful sampling was utilized, and the PearsonCorrelation Product Moment statistical test was used to examine the link between social support and resilience. According to the test findings, r = 0.432 with a p value of 0.006. It is possible to infer that there is a favorable link between social support and resilience in cancer survivor’s family caregivers. According to the findings of this study, the higher the amount of social support received by family caregivers (parents) of cancer survivor’s children, the higher the level of resilience.</p> 2022-07-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Journal Wellness and Virtues B Body image dengan self esteem pada remaja yang mengalami bodyshaming 2022-07-29T14:55:40+00:00 Nurrohmah Kurniawati Ade Ade Ruri Santoso <p><em>Body shaming </em>adalaht indakan mengomentari atau menghina bentuk fisik orang lain yang tidak sesuai dengan standar ideal dan dapat dikategorikan perundungan. Remaja yang mengalami <em>body shaming </em>akan memiliki pemikiran yangnegatif terhadap dirinya. <em>Self esteem </em>merupakan sikap remaja berdasarkan persepsi tentang menghargai dan menilaidirinya sendiri secara keseluruhan. Salah satu faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi <em>self esteem </em>adalah <em>body image</em>.Penelitin ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui mengetahui apakah terdapat Hubungan antara <em>body image </em>dengan <em>self esteem </em>pada remaja yang mengalami <em>bodyshaming. </em>Penelitian menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan desain <em>cross-sectional </em>dan jumlah responden sebanyak 226 orang remaja. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan <em>purposive sampling </em>serta menggunakan uji statistic <em>Spearman Rank Correlation </em>untuk menguji hubungan antara <em>bodyimage </em>dan <em>self esteem</em>. Berdasarkan hasil uji, <em>r </em>= 0,442 dan <em>p value </em>= 0,000. Dapat disimpulan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang positif antara <em>body image </em>dengan <em>self esteem </em>pada remaja yang mengalami <em>body shaming</em>. Hasil penelitian ini menjelaskan bahwa semakin tinggi <em>bodyimage </em>yang didapatkan remaja yang mengalami <em>bodyshaming</em>, makaakan semakin tinggi pula <em>self esteem</em>nya.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2022-07-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Journal Wellness and Virtues F Family support with quality chronic kidney failure patients 2022-07-26T23:34:30+00:00 Shifa Meirani Citra Leometa Ruri Susanto <p><em>This study aims to determine the relationship between family support and quality of life in patients with chronic kidney failure in the Indonesian Dialysis Patient Community (KPCDI). This study uses a quantitative method with a subject of 119 chronic kidney failure patients in the KPCDI Community. Sampling was done by using purposive sampling technique. Meanwhile, data collection was carried out using a questionnaire. The research instrument used in this study is the Family Support Scale and the Quality of Life Scale, each of which has been tested for validity and reliability. Analysis of the data used in this study is the Chi Square correlation. The results showed that there was a relationship between family support and quality of life in patients with chronic kidney failure in the Indonesian Dialysis Patient Community with a significance value (p value) of 0.001 (p values &lt;0.05).</em></p> 2022-07-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Journal Wellness and Virtues